Friday 5 September 2008

Universal City

32°c here today. I could get used to it.

I saw a fair bit of LA yesterday, went to Long Beach and Downtown LA - both of which were pretty disappointing crumby areas. The highlight was definitely Universal City:

I didn't go into the theme park when I found they wanted $89 (about £50) to get in which, considering it was half past two when I got there and I was only interested in the Jurassic Park ride, seemed ever so slightly unreasonable. I stuck to the City Walk and the tram ride.

I'm on a mission to sample a wide range of American cuisine while I'm here by having a chesseburger per day from as many different cheeseburger flogging places as possible (there are lots of those). Today I got one at Universal City from an outlet called Tommy's. It was the sloppiest thing I've ever eaten... Actually, you sort of had to partially drink it. It was mainly some sort of tasteless sauce stuck to equally tasteless American Cheese and a small tasteless beefburger. Most disappointing.


Moonhogg said...
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Moonhogg said...

Hi Phil!

Enjoying work. Start extended days on Monday. Weather wonderful. The news is full of flood stories, people being rescued by helicopters etc...

Kay and Nic tried to post on here earlier... you can tell, can't you?

I misread what you wrote earlier - thought you said you were going to try authentic American cuisine *AND* cheeseburgers...

Laus said...

Forget cheeseburgers, try hotdogs, they are just as crap.I am still California dreaming.We are waiting for your every report and becoming keen for our Dad.

siouxie said...

ella and I are firmer friends she has been rolling over and purring today. Hope you like San Francisco. Mum