Thursday 4 September 2008


I found Hollywood. Took a while though. I got on the wrong bus and ended up in a place called Van Nuys, or something. I was under the impression there was only one "Flyaway" bus service and it went Downtown, where I wanted to be, so I just got on the first "Flyaway" bus that turned up. I did wonder why it said Van Nuys on the side, but I had no idea what it was.

I've found most of the main sights in Hollywood, they're no more than five minutes walk from my hotel:

I walked along most of the Walk of Fame while looking for my hotel. There's a staggering amount of tourist traps and tat (souvenir) shops - especially wax-work museums. In fact they're apparently building a Madame Tussauds next to the Chinese Theatre. I don't think I'll be bothering with any of them.

I've also come across the local Tescos - called "Fresh 'n' Easy" here - where I discovered a new type of pseudo food called "American Cheese" - it's an almost tasteless edible rubbery plastic and it comes with most ready-to-eat items.

Tomorrow I'm going to try and find more of the sights in the Hollywood area, Universal Studios and possibly go and have a look round the Downtown area and maybe see if I can find a way to get to Griffith Park.

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